Smart photo eidtor will not access all my picasa files

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Smart photo eidtor will not access all my picasa files

Postby marian murphy » Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:57 am

Many of my folders can not be accessed by Smart Photo Editor. They just are not there. I have 20,000 pictures on my computer on picasa. All are very important and I chose your editing program for many reasons. I have no complaints with the editing. Why are only certain folders available for Smart Photo editing?? Marian Murphy

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Re: Smart photo eidtor will not access all my picasa files

Postby Penningtons7 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:52 am

Picasa can create albums that are not folders as a way of sorting images perhaps this is your issue?

I use Picasa for sorting and simple crops etc. I can launch smart editor right from within Picasa by right clicking on image the open with choose smart editor ( Works with portrait pr as well )

Also remember Picasa edits are not saved to the original file unless forced using save or save as. If you open an mage that you have applie an edit to in Picasa and did not save it prior then it will open as the image without enhancements. Easy to see when you rotate an image and the opemn with an editor without saving you will see the image as it was before rotation.

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Re: Smart photo eidtor will not access all my picasa files

Postby marian murphy » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:13 pm

Thank you, Thank you Pinningtons 7. You are so correct. Problem solved!

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