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Postby healthaltint » Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:44 pm

Sometimes I have more than one effect on the shortlist and would like to make a final picture with each one of them. The problem is that once I choose one effect that's it, the other ones go away and I need to start the process all over again. Is there a solution to obtain several images without having to go back to Step 1. Thanks.

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Re: Shortlist

Postby admin » Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:09 pm

Hi Healthaltint,

The quickest way to apply several effects that you've shortlisted is the following, it's not fully automatic, but it's much quicker than going via the gallery:

1. After you've applied one of them, hover over the effect tab at the top of the program and press on the X button to remove it.
2. Hover on the favorites menu on the right and you should see all the effects you've shortlisted on the right hand side of the popup menu, click on the next one and save it
3. Go to step 1


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