How can I use my own sky

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Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:38 am

How can I use my own sky

Postby VictorS » Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:47 am

I like the feature ` Select Are~ but for copyright reasons would like to use my own sky. How can I add my own skies into the sky selection? I know I can use the composite function.. but this is not as good as the select area function.

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Re: How can I use my own sky

Postby Richard Briggs » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:17 am

The good news is you can indeed use your own sky as I have done this many times. The main reason for me was that I found some of the sky effects provided were of lower resolution than my base photo.

The bad news is I can't remember how I did it! Certainly it involved...

1 - selecting a standard sky.
2 - right clicking the effect (top right) and selecting 'manual edit'
3 - You will see the construction of the effect.

Here's where I have lost the plot. I am sure it involved changing the 'Load Internet Image' box (by double clicking on it) but I can't figure out how I did it. Hopefully someone else can help.

But it can be done!

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Re: How can I use my own sky

Postby admin » Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:45 am

The quickest way to add your own sky is to apply an underlay in the composite tool. There is a video here.

Also, you might be interested to know we have a product called LandscapePro, which is specifically designed for landscape photography and has a dedicated sky replacement tool.

Kind regards


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