Using green screen

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Using green screen

Postby tatianamariahh » Wed May 31, 2017 8:56 pm

My mom had her picture taken at work in front of a green screen. I wanted to use Smart Photo to give her a better overall look. Is there an easy way to change the background? I tried doing Composite underlay, overlay but trying to get the green out of her hair was very difficult. She now wants me to fix her friends photo. The professional photographer who took her pic takes them in front of a green screen so that he can easily change the background with his software. I'm looking for an easier way to change background. Does Smart Photo offer a similar tool? Thank you

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Re: Using green screen

Postby Richard Briggs » Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:24 am

Are you aware that when you are selecting an area if you press 'shift' and hold down only the colour you were pointing at is selected? So, place mouse over the green area hold down shift and now move mouse over hair. It's not perfect but much better than not using shift.


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Re: Using green screen

Postby admin » Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:34 am

Another couple of tips are:
Make sure you are using 'Find Soft Edge' for the hair, but 'Find Hard Edge' for around the rest of the person.
Try experimenting with the remove halo button, which is found to the left of the 'X' in your underlay.

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Re: Using green screen

Postby tatianamariahh » Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:41 pm

Thank you for responding. I did use soft edge but I did not know about the shift, I will try that and see if I can get more of the green out of her hair. Thank you!

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