Skipping Pages in the Effects Gallery

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Skipping Pages in the Effects Gallery

Postby rickberger » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:51 pm

Is there a way I can go to the middle pages in the Effects Gallery? I usually get to about Page 6 and pick an effect I like. I can't spend the time to go through almost 600 pages of effects. Also, is there a way to start from the last page and work backwards?

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Re: Skipping Pages in the Effects Gallery

Postby eadams » Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:43 pm

Yes indeed, there is a way! When you open the Effects Gallery, you will see at the top of the screen "Page 1 of 592" (or some other total number of pages). Just place the mouse cursor over this text and a slider will appear, allowing you do skip to the end, middle, or anywhere you want.

I hope this helps!

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