Effects Gallery: How do I see ALL effects?

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Effects Gallery: How do I see ALL effects?

Postby eadams » Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:26 am

OK, here's a newbie question...

In the Effects Gallery I am seeing only a subset of all the effects because one of the limiting descriptors (Dramatic, Artistic, Realistic, Favorites, Latest) is checked and I can't figure out how to uncheck it. I can toggle between them, but how do I get rid of the checkmark altogether, so that I can see all effects?

All Effects.JPG
All Effects.JPG (40.33 KiB) Viewed 5222 times

I've encountered this problem before and was always able to solve it by doing random things like restarting the program, loading a different image, etc. but today I'm not having any luck.

Thanks, Eve

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Re: Effects Gallery: How do I see ALL effects?

Postby DennB » Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:35 pm

Mine shows the same thing but all 477 pages are available, so I guess it doesn't matter.

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Re: Effects Gallery: How do I see ALL effects?

Postby eadams » Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:04 pm

Hi DennB,

This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

The reason I noticed the problem in the first place was that I wasn't seeing all 477 pages. With the checkmark on Artistic (like in the screenshot) I had only three hundred and something pages available. I loaded another image and even restarted the program and never could get SPE to tell me I was looking at page 1 of 477 pages. After seeing your post I started the program again and voilà, all of a sudden I am seeing 477 pages again. I think this is happening to me randomly, which is why I have the impression that random actions on my part solve it.


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Re: Effects Gallery: How do I see ALL effects?

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:57 pm


Just to clarify: Artistic is a combination of all dramatic and realistic effects, so you should be seeing all of them. I think I know what's causing the confusion though: Depending on the aspect ratio of your image, SPE can show a different number of effects per page. If it shows more per page, then there are less pages needed to show all effects. Also if you previously made a selection, it can show even more effects as some depend on selections.


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