easy way to changrs bacl grounds

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easy way to changrs bacl grounds

Postby clogan6974 » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:05 pm

there is no easy way to change back grounds and just replace

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Re: easy way to changrs bacl grounds

Postby eadams » Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:10 pm

clogan6974 wrote:there is no easy way to change back grounds and just replace

Is this just a complaint, or a request for help?

In my opinion, Smart Photo Editor makes it especially easy to replace backgrounds. One way to do it with one's own background image is to open the main image with the foreground subject and then select FILE - Add Underlay and select the image you want to be the background. Then you must only use the erase brush to erase the parts of the foreground image that you don't want to see.

I don't know of any software that lets you do this more quickly or easily.

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Re: easy way to changrs bacl grounds

Postby Richard Briggs » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:00 am

Agreed, in fact I have just given up on trying to add a foreground from another image in Photoshop and used SPE instead. Even some free packages use the same approach as SPE. Adobe need to open their eyes and see what is possible in much cheaper (even free) products.

Of course, depending upon what you are trying to do you must be prepared to spend some time and care to get it 'just right'.


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