Photo Editor How Tos

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Photo Editor How Tos

Postby admin » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:23 pm

How to:

Find a specific look for your picture
If there is something specific you are looking for, the best place to start is the gallery, and browse the list of options on the left, or use the search box on the top right to search for looks.

Make image black and white except one area
Go to the gallery and choose "Black And White" under color.
Select a black and white effect that you like and apply it
Click on Mask Area and use the Brushes to reveal the area you want to remain in color.

Replace the background of your photo
Go to the Composting Tool and create an Underlay.

Add a watermark or copyright text to your photo
To add a text watermark, use the Text Tool. There is a button for the copyright symbol.
To add an image watermark, go to the Composting Tool and create an overlay, then adjust the opacity and blend mode. For a quick way of overlaying watermarks or logos:
If it's on a black background set the blend mode to add or screen
If it's on a white background set the blend mode to multiply or darken
If it's on a grey background set the blend mode to combine or overlay

Bring out the detail in an area (good for eyes or rocks)
Go to the Area Treatment Tool
Select the area you want to bring out detail with using the brush
Use the clarity slider in the sliders on the left.

Replace a dull Sky
Choose the Select Area Panel.
Choose "Sky" as your area
Select the skin using the brushes
Click "Confirm Selection and Browse Effects"

Skin Retouching
Choose the Select Area Panel.
Choose "Skin" as your area
Select the skin using the brushes
Click "Confirm Selection and Browse Effects"

If you do a lot of portraits, we also sell software called Portrait Professional that is specifically writing for getting the best out of a portrait.

Blur the background
Choose the Select Area Panel.
Choose "Background" as your area
Select the skin using the brushes
Click "Confirm Selection and Browse Effects"
Go to the "Depth Of Field" gallery under "Detail"

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