Adding a Lighting effects

This forum discusses how you can create your own effects
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Adding a Lighting effects

Postby Psguru4040 » Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:42 pm

how to apply lighting effect? i see some effects with lines and two dots at the ends. how do I do that?

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Re: Adding a Lighting effects

Postby eadams » Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:11 am

Psguru4040 wrote:how to apply lighting effect? i see some effects with lines and two dots at the ends. how do I do that?

Are you referring to effects that have the lines with handles like in this screenshot? If so, the effect provides lightening gradients that can be applied to certain areas in the image that the user wants to lighten instead of brightening the whole image. To control the light in the image, click on the handles (the dots at the end of the lines) and drag them. You can change the angle of the light by moving the handles and you can control the strength of the light and how it blends into the image by making the lines longer. Longer lines spread out the gradient so the edges of the lightened areas are not harsh.

This kind of effect is useful when your image is bright enough in some areas, but not bright enough in others. If you used an effect that brightened the whole image, the bright areas would become too bright.

SPE lighting effect interface.jpg
SPE lighting effect interface.jpg (116.45 KiB) Viewed 48033 times

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