Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

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Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby andrewb2012 » Tue May 01, 2018 11:51 am

Hi Folks,

I can no longer see properly to take good photographs 'in camera' - all I do now is 'point-and-shoot' using automatic settings. I cannot see the screen with any clarity in daylight, so I try to include much more area in my images with the hope of being able to crop a reasonable image using my PC. If, for example, I take photographs of boats in a marina - I simply cannot see details of masts on screen - so the danger is that I cut them out of the image unless I include quite a lot of sky. No longer can I really do traditional photography. What I can do is have FUN with rubbish photographs using SPE to turn these poor images into artworks (which may of course be even more rubbish in others eyes - but they are fun making).

Here are some examples of what I mean:

Original 'Rubbish' Image
IMG_1891.JPG (259.48 KiB) Viewed 18851 times

Variation 1
2000.jpg (318.41 KiB) Viewed 18851 times

Variation 2
2000A.jpg (284.79 KiB) Viewed 18851 times

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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby andrewb2012 » Tue May 01, 2018 11:53 am

Variation 3
2000B.jpg (376.19 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

Variation 4
2000C.jpg (427.53 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

Variation 5
2000D.jpg (201.18 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby andrewb2012 » Tue May 01, 2018 11:55 am

Variation 6
2000E.jpg (390.71 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

Variation 7
2000F.jpg (339.88 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

Variation 8
2000G.jpg (389.83 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby andrewb2012 » Tue May 01, 2018 11:57 am

Variation 9
2000H.jpg (337.93 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

Variation 10
2000I.jpg (349.38 KiB) Viewed 18850 times

All processing done in SPE with the exception of resizing and shadow border which was done in Photoscape.

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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby Richard Briggs » Wed May 02, 2018 9:10 am

Firstly, I don't think it is a rubbish photo! Secondly, l could not use a camera 'properly' without a viewfinder. Especially in brightly lit conditions. In fact I fail to see how you can take really good photos without the use of a viewfinder where you can accurately compose the picture.

Also, I totally agree. SPE is brilliant at taking average photos (i.e. to be deleted) and turning them into something eye catching. And in a few seconds.


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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby andrewb2012 » Wed May 02, 2018 10:57 am

Hi Richard,

Always great to hear from you hope you are well and having creative fun.

If you look at my original photograph you will see 'blow out' where the light hits the foreground and on the back of the horse - this is not a photo that could be considered technically good, we could say that technically it is a poor (or in my opinion - a rubbish photograph) and one for the bin and certainly not for exhibit. However, using SPE it is possible to do something, even with poor photographs like my original. The fact is, I simply cannot see things like 'blow out' in my screen nor some of the other things I would have noted in the past. I still can see enough to determine the main subject, so to make sure I have sufficient scope to crop to a final result, I change my stance (where possible) and stand further back to include a greater area around the subject. I rely on the camera settings to take the image and it either works or it doesn't. My preference would be to use a viewfinder, but I have huge prisms on my glasses that distort everything and I cannot use a viewfinder any more. What you say about brightly lit conditions is very true and, although my compact camera screen works quite well in strong daylight, in intense light I cannot see anything at all - in such circumstances I don't even try to take photographs. I was on holiday last week and took over 1,500 shots - I will view these, find some that work and, most likely, scrap the others. If I get 20-50 images that I can work on (using the BIG computer screen) then I'll be happy.

There are a number of pleasures still to be had from my approach.

1. Gets me out and about a bit although I'm not too great at walking
2. It makes me look at subject matter more intensely
3. I try to create something interesting from captured images (if they work out a little)
4. Keeps me active and more especially keeps my mind active
5. Gives my a bit of excitement when it comes to processing the images

Owing to visual problems, photography has slipped down my list of priorities and lately I have been more interested in music again.

The main point, I think, you were making is about accurately composing a picture without a viewfinder - the truth is that I can't, I compose my picture post-capture, that is why I leave enough area around the subject in order to do that.



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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby eadams » Tue May 12, 2020 7:48 am

For some reason I just discovered this thread - I don't recall seeing it back when it was posted. I love the different treatments of the horse statue!

I miss Andrew on the forum and think about him often. I hope he's well.

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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby One-more-try » Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:49 pm

Still here Eve. sorry I never replied earlier. The original post comes from when I had the user name 'andrewb2012' - that was a while back - now user name is 'one-more-try'.

Posts: 783
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Re: Rubbish Photograhs to ART!

Postby eadams » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:51 pm

One-more-try wrote:Still here Eve. sorry I never replied earlier. The original post comes from when I had the user name 'andrewb2012' - that was a while back - now user name is 'one-more-try'.

Still lovin' it, Andrew!

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