effects program

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effects program

Postby simplyphil » Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:16 pm

:D Hello there here is one of many that I have done since I brought this program, it is the way forward as cloud is too exspenive, there are many programs like this now available, but I have chose to stay with Anthropics, I have their other program Portrait Pro.

It saves time creating, it's alreadt there, easy, press enter/confirm, no problem, I like it & with time it can only get better.
mono-Kirsty - web.jpg
mono-Kirsty - web.jpg (406.55 KiB) Viewed 2070 times
mono-Kirsty - web.jpg
mono-Kirsty - web.jpg (406.55 KiB) Viewed 2070 times

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