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Postby The.Great.ESCape » Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:57 am

Every once in a while a filter or effect adds just what I want to a digital painting.... in this http://fav.me/d5pxryy it's the light flare. Sure, I could have done it by hand though likely a little less smoothly, but why? Don't have a direct image link, sorry

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Postby andrewb2012 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:34 am

Very nice image - beautiful girl - light beams work a treat!

All the BEST for 2013!


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Postby The.Great.ESCape » Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:41 pm

Thanks Andrew... I thought the light rays set it off nicely. One of those Eureka moments in realizing what was missing in order to take it from good to great.

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Postby eestubbs104 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:34 pm

WOW, The.Great.ESCape , how much of that was done in Smart Photo Editor. I am not even a 1/4 of where you are in editing. Fantastic work, bravo!!!

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Postby The.Great.ESCape » Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:50 am

Thank you for the nice words... actually... most of the image was painted in software, The light coming in from the right side was an SPE effect though. I am a striving digital painter who enjoys experimenting with all sorts of graphics software. I've even recently been trying to get the hang of sculpting in software as well because the idea of printing work into real models and statues appeals to me... as well as the ability to make pose-able re-usable consistant elements for reference in future paintings. I'm hoping to become proficient enough to start incorporating my 3d models into wholly imagined scenes.

I've been wanting to find a way to do my own concept art for some time, but when painting I need references to really do a good job and buying rights to photos constantly for what is currently only a hobby isn't very appealing. So, I do practice and fan art for my portfolios and use some images with consent, and one or two of my own even though I do not often get out anywhere interesting to snap photos. There's something about sculpture however that more readily lends itself to my imagination... hopefully digital sculpting will help me bridge the gap between imagination and creation.

This particular image though is just a painting A k-pop star named Qri. I'm not exactly hip on the k-pop scene, but I have a friend who asked for it, so I did it. The most time was spent painting Qri. The background I simply made up and is comprised mostly of rough brush strokes that merely suggest stone. I needed a light source though, so I used SPE for that. I also had put some hazy sort of fog on a layer. The two things together helped to create an atmosphere rather than just super clean typical digital work. I think some pure clean digital work is cool, but I find it hard to fully leave the analogue world of art which I came from. I also have this problem where at least from thumbnails when a do less artsy, but more clinically precise work... that people don't even look at it because they just assume that it's a photo or photo manipulation. I should be able to get around that when I start throwing in creatures and characters of my own design.

Bet that's more info than you were lookin for... lol

eestubbs104 wrote:WOW, The.Great.ESCape , how much of that was done in Smart Photo Editor. I am not even a 1/4 of where you are in editing. Fantastic work, bravo!!!

Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:52 pm


Postby eestubbs104 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:45 am

You were right, that was more than I was looking for , but what I learned from you, it was well worth the reading. So thank you so much for taking the time to write back and explain your technique.

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