Marseille Tourist (Sightseer) Boat in Dock

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Marseille Tourist (Sightseer) Boat in Dock

Postby Phelon » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:00 am

This dock is at the end of the port in Marseille. There are many excursions for sightseeing from this area--some by boat and some by a very nice Choo-choo train. Fishermen sell many varieties of fish along this back dock. Very popular place. Enjoyed doing it all in SPE.

p0000008371_pe2_P1620_Resize.jpg (483.95 KiB) Viewed 3652 times

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Re: Marseille Tourist (Sightseer) Boat in Dock

Postby Nouville72 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:43 am

Hi Phelon,

I'm living in Marseille city. Your photo is a good representation of that city because it shows 2 things :

- 1) The old harbour discovered by the old Greeks and occupied by the Romans, the name was Massilia in latin (it comes from the greek name Massalia).
That old harbor didn't change a lot in my opinion because the big boats never entered there, there's a newer harbor for them.

- 2) The sea shuttle reflects the modernism of the city, trying to offer the best for the turists and trust me there are some awesome places to see.

So, your photo captured both, the past and the present, NICE CHOICE and NICE WORK in the picture !
Some of my 100k photos :

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Re: Marseille Tourist (Sightseer) Boat in Dock

Postby Phelon » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:29 pm

Hi Thierry,

Thank you for writing about the history of the area in Marseille. I think that a commentary about ones picture is important to everyone to help understand more about our world. A picture can say a thousand words but without knowledge of what or where it is it's only a passing dream that we soon forget.

Thank you my good friend.


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