Standard, Vt Winter Country Road & Church

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Standard, Vt Winter Country Road & Church

Postby pt_crusier_2002 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:48 am

Standard, Vt Country Road Photo is from a several years old roll of 35 mm film I just had process recently which came back as a grainy image. I used SPE to save it and give the photo an old time image look. Picture was taken with a Minolta Maxxam 3xi film camera on Kodak Gold 800 color film that had been in camera for several years.

Standard, Vermont
Standard_Vt.png (1.22 MiB) Viewed 2113 times

A color version of same scene.

standard, Vt 2.jpg
color version
standard, Vt 2.jpg (1 MiB) Viewed 2112 times

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