Luxury frame and Painting on a throw-a-way
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Luxury frame and Painting on a throw-a-way
I was walking around in the St. Mary's Cathedral in Augsburg, Germany, and took many pictures, including this one. When I first saw this image, I thought it was a throw-a-way. Then somebody wrote to SPE asking for a painting effect, and it inspired me to do this painting and put it in a frame I have. I had to clean the noise, straighten with SPE, add extra space to right side with PS, then used Content-Aware to fill in the space, then go back to SPE to do my painting and enhancing. Then added the frame and recolored the background to match the SPE background. I was happy I didn't have to throw it away after all.
PS When looking through the frame, there is a kind of 3-dimentional look to the hallway view.
Here's the original....
PS When looking through the frame, there is a kind of 3-dimentional look to the hallway view.
Here's the original....
Re: Luxury frame and Painting on a throw-a-way
Very impressive, sounds like you put a lot of work into it. Looks great, nice job!
Re: Luxury frame and Painting on a throw-a-way
Thanks Doug,
It's standard operating procedure for me, at least on a great deal of my pictures. I don't think there will ever be one application that will do everything, but there are some awesome apps. With that said, I think Smart Photo Editor is so good that I use it on every photo, and sometimes it's the only application I use to enhance and improve my pictures.
I like to let people know how I work on a picture, at least some, because there's a need to help other photographers learn more, if I can do that. Giving is receiving and it's a pleasure to hear from you!
It's standard operating procedure for me, at least on a great deal of my pictures. I don't think there will ever be one application that will do everything, but there are some awesome apps. With that said, I think Smart Photo Editor is so good that I use it on every photo, and sometimes it's the only application I use to enhance and improve my pictures.
I like to let people know how I work on a picture, at least some, because there's a need to help other photographers learn more, if I can do that. Giving is receiving and it's a pleasure to hear from you!
Re: Luxury frame and Painting on a throw-a-way
Thanks for including your process used to modify a picture, it's definitely helpful. Sharing information is what SPE is all about!
I agree about using multiple apps, there isn't one that does it all. I use SPE for most of my standard editing because the area selection tools are the best. The "Find Soft Edge" and "Find Hard Edge" are invaluable! I used to use Lightroom for image adjusting, but now mostly use SPE. I do use LR for printing though, since I get the control I want.
Thanks again for sharing!
I agree about using multiple apps, there isn't one that does it all. I use SPE for most of my standard editing because the area selection tools are the best. The "Find Soft Edge" and "Find Hard Edge" are invaluable! I used to use Lightroom for image adjusting, but now mostly use SPE. I do use LR for printing though, since I get the control I want.
Thanks again for sharing!
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