Before and After.

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Before and After.

Postby Mozzy » Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:40 am

Took this one in my studio, (a shed to you and me) and have processed in PSE with liberal amounts of changing in SPE with masks mostly and then a BG effect that worked. Trouble was, so many did, and in the end it was choose just one. On reflection I think I should have faded the BG out to nothing around the edges; I'm actually going to see what that looks like after I hit submit.

Than it was back in PSE to save and convert to JPEG with a resize. original was RAW and out of the camera with no in camera adjustments added. Converted to JPEG (the before image) without and processing whatsoever.

Blackberry Before.JPEG
Blackberry Before.JPEG (113.04 KiB) Viewed 2327 times

Blackberries after SPE.JPEG
Blackberries after SPE.JPEG (421.36 KiB) Viewed 2327 times

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Re: Before and After.

Postby Arwin » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:41 pm

Hi Mozzy,

It looks, to me, you did lose some detail on the berries, which I would try to avoid.
I like your processing on the leaves, like the light and how the veins come out, but I've seen better creations from you.

Still like the way you're processing your images!

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
Feel free to follow ;)

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Re: Before and After.

Postby Mozzy » Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:40 pm

Thanks Arwin. Much of the problem was the reflections in the wet berries. The shine on each was hard to hide even with diffused light.

Thank you Arwin, your comments are always graciously received.:)


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