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Posts: 184
Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:03 pm
Location: Lincolnshire UK


Postby Mozzy » Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:50 pm

A pair of Starlings that did no end of entertaining for me ... when I first took this image. At the time I had no real idea what post processing was all about and thus I felt it was one of a few images that deserved a second chance. I've been going through my deletion folder, and this among others was in there waiting for the chop.

I guess when I first got my Canon 500D, I felt my photographs were oing to leap to another level! I was of course a bit taken back - and surprised that it ... well, never happened. Hence many hundreds of images were slung into the deletion folder to work through on a cold wintery day. Inbetween Hospital appointments I had some hours today so picked this one out for said post processing.

Hardware: Sigma 150-500mm, f5.6, 1/100, iso 200, prog settings, evaluative metering.

Software: Canon DPP, PSE9.SPE (only lightly in SPE).

If you would like to see any of my images much larger, then please do take a moment to hit the link in my signature. It is just a basic ol wordpress jobbie that I thought might be fun to set up and see if I might attract some followers. :) None yet, but hey ho time will tell :)

No sig here so link is here:

starlings-red (1024x602).jpg
starlings-red (1024x602).jpg (429.42 KiB) Viewed 2106 times

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