Heart Shape Effects
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Heart Shape Effects
I added some heart shape effects that are scaleble, movable and can be rotated.
Heart clickready 001 till Heart clickready 010 are, as the name said, one click ready effects, which are combined with already existing effects (sure you can still play with them if you like)
Heart startkit 001 and Heart startkit 002 are meant to play with.
Heart startkit 001, just combine with other effects (Like I did with the above presets Heart clickready 001 till Heart clickready 010).
Heart startkit 002, see this video tutorial to understand the idea behind this effect.
(Be sure to watch in HD)
Some examples of the clickready effects:
(Click on the image to enlarge)
have fun!
Heart clickready 001 till Heart clickready 010 are, as the name said, one click ready effects, which are combined with already existing effects (sure you can still play with them if you like)
Heart startkit 001 and Heart startkit 002 are meant to play with.
Heart startkit 001, just combine with other effects (Like I did with the above presets Heart clickready 001 till Heart clickready 010).
Heart startkit 002, see this video tutorial to understand the idea behind this effect.
(Be sure to watch in HD)
Some examples of the clickready effects:
(Click on the image to enlarge)
have fun!
Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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