The Yellow Rose.

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Location: Lincolnshire UK

The Yellow Rose.

Postby Mozzy » Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:11 pm

Bit of colour once more on a grey mild (again) day. Taken last summer in the garden and the original image really is original in-so-far in its RAW state with standard and or faithful settings, nothing is applied to it before post editing. It was actually a 'binner' but I fancied a play … as you do The original has not been adjusted from RAW to JPEG conversion other than to resize.

The after has involved several layers before merging and flattening to JPEG. Technically it is over processed a tad but it was just a bit of fun really. I've played heavily on colour and combine a slight tonemap with a smart sharpen / High filter sharpen. It is actually quite surprising sometimes just how much detail a camera sensor is capable of. My dream is a 5D3 or a 7D MK!!. The latter not even out till late next year.

Effects wise it was mostly subtle with most changes via the image treatment section.

Before and after included. Hope your all having a good weekend.

Original Image yellow Rose.JPEG
Original Image yellow Rose.JPEG (103.38 KiB) Viewed 2318 times
Final Rose resized SPE.JPEG
Final Rose resized SPE.JPEG (410.43 KiB) Viewed 2319 times

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Re: The Yellow Rose.

Postby DBenterprises » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:36 pm

I like this. If it had some real dew drops on it, it would've been even better IMO.
This was all done in SME?

Posts: 184
Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:03 pm
Location: Lincolnshire UK

Re: The Yellow Rose.

Postby Mozzy » Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:59 pm

DBenterprises wrote:I like this. If it had some real dew drops on it, it would've been even better IMO.
This was all done in SME?

No, I'm afraid there was much work completed with around fifteen layers worked. It was however completely finished in SPE. Yes I agree, and I have a spray bottle always handy but concentration and mild dementia means I forgot.


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