This forum describes all of the different filters available in Smart Photo Editor, you can ask questions about them too.
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Postby superdave » Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:13 pm

This node gives you the ability to add a border to your photograph.
The Number of borders slider establishes the number of borders in your frame. The Background colour option changes the color of the padded area. The Padded area slider establishes the size of the padded area.
If the Number of borders slider is increased to one, you will see the tab re-open with eight more controls for manipulating your new border:
  • Border width changes the size of the new border
  • Border offset offsets the new border proportionally to the padded area.
  • Left-right shift moves the new border left or right.
  • Top-bottom shift moves the new border up or down
  • Corner radius changes the corner radius of the new border
  • Corner aspect changes the aspect ratio of the new border’s corners
  • Opacity changes the opacity of the new border

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