This forum describes all of the different filters available in Smart Photo Editor, you can ask questions about them too.
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Postby superdave » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:26 am

This node gives you control over the colors in your image. There are initially a set of sliders that let you control all the colors in your image as well as change the tones in your image in a way that preserves the colors (a normal exposure control, for instance, can change the hue or saturation of a color if clipping occurs).

You can also have control over individual colors in your image. To do this:

  • Increase the number of samples to 1.
  • Scroll down to the color selector then drag from the swatch into a color in your image.
  • You can then play around with what happens to that color.
  • The fuzziness slider lets you change the range of colors that are adjusted.

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