Mirror Erase Option

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Mirror Erase Option

Postby BreezyArtwork » Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:34 am

It would be amazing if you could add an option to mirror the erased section.
Say you are trying to erase a flaw in or around someone's eyes, you could just use the section from their other eye that fits, but you need to be able mirror/reverse the selected area to make it fit cohesively.
Please please PLEASE! With a pretty little cherry on top... unless you don't like cherries... ;)

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Re: Mirror Erase Option

Postby admin » Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:08 am

I'm afraid you can only rotate the erase option, which isn't quite what you want (as you'll end up with an upside down eye), but you might find useful in other occasions:

1. Select the area to erase as normal
2. Choose "Add Warping Pins"
3. Click in a two places one on each side of the blue erase area. You'll see the matching pins appear in the red area
4. Drag one of the pins in the red area to the other side of the other pin, and the erase will be spun round.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


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