Transparency filter

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Transparency filter

Postby Penningtons7 » Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:09 am

I would like to be able to creat items like frames filled with say green where I will later add through composite tool images to fil the frame. This way I can make collages or perhaps a sports frame etc. The selection tools are just a little too time consuming and tedious to do this when a simple color selection can be made transparent. I have tried screen and mutiply and the efffect the frame area as much as rest of images. Hope this is clear.

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Re: Transparency filter

Postby admin » Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:38 am

Are you asking for a tool that makes blank frame images for you to composite stuff into like a collage? One thing we are considering is a borders tool, which would allow you to design borders.

Another thing I think you might be talking about is how to cut stuff out of a flat background like a green screen. This should be very quick in Photo Editor, simply make your brush pretty big and quickly go round the edge of the subject letting the edge finder do the hard work. Then use the fill tools that pop up to fill in the rest.

Let me know if I've missunderstood you.


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