can one use select tool with compositing

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can one use select tool with compositing

Postby pettijohn » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:12 pm

Once I have used the select tool and defined the subject, can I then start the composite tools and add a background by removing the subject automatically. I realize I can use the brush to add the background. I was hoping since I had already defined where I want to background, I would not have to do it again. Thanks--I love this product.

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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby Arwin » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:37 pm

Hi pettijohn,

Yes you can, a lot of effects does already has an invert selection build in, in such case a simple hover above the effect gallery will give you an option to add an effect specific to that inverted (in this case the background) selection.

If this is not the case, you can add an invert selection node yourself in the effect you added to the subject selection.
In that case, hover above the effect tab of the subject effect and choose for manual edit (see image below)
--Make sure you have saved your work as session first to avoid to start all over again ;) --
01 Manual Edit Effect.jpg
01 Manual Edit Effect.jpg (34.62 KiB) Viewed 14310 times

The effect editor will open, go to the 3th tab (selections) in the effect editor and drag the Invert Selection node into the effect, as you see in the image below.
02 Invert Selection Node.jpg
02 Invert Selection Node.jpg (89.84 KiB) Viewed 14310 times

You can name the Invert Selection to anything you like by double click the node, but there will always a default name in the node.
03 Name Invert Selection.jpg
03 Name Invert Selection.jpg (109.78 KiB) Viewed 14310 times

Now you will see two selections while hovering above the Effect Gallery, the Subject and in this case, the Not Subject.

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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby pettijohn » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:23 pm

I understanding how this invert will work with most effects. I have used that numerous times. However, I can not find how to use the select area effect as part of the composite tool.

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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby admin » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:47 am


I'm not sure exactly what you are asking, but let me take a stab:

Say you've used the "Select Area" tool to select the background then browsed a few effects. Now you want to composite your own background into the area. You can do that, but not through the composite tool which is designed to create composites from scratch. It sounds like you are used to the effect editor, so this is how to do that using the effect editor. What you'll need to do is "Add Image" to add in your new background. The use the "Place And Merge" node to merge in your new background by attaching it to the loaded image. You'll need to set the area to "background" in this case and it will place the image in the background.

Let me know if you'd like help with any of the steps or if I've misunderstood you.

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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby pettijohn » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:12 pm

Sorry, but I do not see an "add image" command or icon. I also do not see the "place and merge" command or icon. I searched this website for help but did not find the right information.

Sorry, I am so slow with picking up this concept.


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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby Arwin » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:23 pm

Hi pettijohn,

Both you can find in the effect editor by editing the effect.
The Place and Merge node is in the 2th tab of nodes and the Add Image button you can find at the right side in the effect editor, see latest image I posted above (click on it to enlarge) you will see the Add Image button, center of image, right side.

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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby pettijohn » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:43 pm

Thanks so much. Now I need to learn the effect editor better. I have not used that feature. In the beginning it seemed too complex for me, but now I am ready to tackle that feature.

Thanks again.

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Re: can one use select tool with compositing

Postby Arwin » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:15 pm

Glad we could help, if you have any more questions, you know the place to ask ;)

Here are the official tutorialsvideos in case you did not know, there are some that cover the effect editor.

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