Viewing All effects in One Gallery
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Viewing All effects in One Gallery
I woulds like to be able to see all effects in one gallery without having to select each category and scroll through the pages. Is this possible? Thank you
Re: Viewing All effects in One Gallery
Yes, if you don't choose anything in the gallery (i.e. just click on Effect Gallery) it shows you all the effects (except effects that need a selection that you haven't made yet). The effects are ordered by popularity and how well it thinks each of them suit your picture (if This Image is ticked).
Re: Viewing All effects in One Gallery
Thank you but I think I should have been clearer. When I do as you suggest there are 591 effects, with 12 showing per page. This means I need to scroll through 50 pages, one page at a time, to see all of them - very time consuming. I would like to see all 591 effects on one page and be able just to page down, much like using Loghtroom or Adobe Bridge, for example.
Re: Viewing All effects in One Gallery
There are 591 pages of effects, i.e. over 7000 effects. Trust me on this, but rendering all 7000 effects so you could quickly scroll up and down all of them would bring any modern computer to it's knees! You can scroll through it with the keyboard by pressing page up and page down, but with the complexity of the effects as they are, it will be rendering them as quickly as your computer is able. You can also jump to later pages if you hover over where it says "Page 1 of 591" if you want to delve down into the less popular effects at the end.
Hope that helps a bit! Let me know if there's anything else I can try and help with.
Hope that helps a bit! Let me know if there's anything else I can try and help with.
Re: Viewing All effects in One Gallery
Thanks, Tony, I understand. I really like this application and use it a lot. This is probably not the page to suggest this but I'd love to see life-like effects, ie, real places such as street scenes, real rooms, and apocalyptic themes. Haha, I know, maybe too much to ask.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Re: Viewing All effects in One Gallery
We have a forum called Effect Requests. If you put a post in there, especially if you can show some examples of what you'd like to see, perhaps someone will give it a go!
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