Inverse Mask Selection

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Inverse Mask Selection

Postby Phelon » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:19 pm

I've seen "INVERSE" somewhere, but can't find it for Mask Inverse.

I have a room with big windows and door glass showing the outside pretty well exposed and the inside too dark. So I want to brighten the inside and leave the window areas to correct later. I then select my subject room area by painting around the windows and doors, confirm, and go to effects for my subject room. After selecting an effect to brighten the room, I would like to inverse the selection from room to windows and doors. How can I do that without repainting a mask?


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Re: Inverse Mask Selection

Postby admin » Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:14 am

Hi Phelon,

If you have already made a selection of your room called 'subject', to make a selection of everything except subject:

+ Click "Select Area"
+ Name your new area
+ Click "Remove subject" button in the Utilities section. This subtracts the pixels selected in subject from your current selection. If you have nothing selected already, then it will select everything except 'subject'

Let me know if you would like more info.


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