Internal save session as effect...

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Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:56 pm

Internal save session as effect...

Postby The.Great.ESCape » Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:06 am

I'm having stability issues with SPE, but I can tell you that you can spend quite a while tweaking things around using pretty much all the tools in the program. If the overall effect is something you'd like to repeat on other images... it would be really nice to be able to just safe the sessions actions so far as an effect... in reality it would be an internal macro recorder or instruction set that could be played back much faster than the original session. It would be a nice feature to have though, and if it actually exists already... please forgive me as I am new and it's tricky learning the program when it crashes regularly.

At any rate, thanks for taking a look :)


Re: Internal save session as effect...

Postby ArjunAnthroQA » Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:51 pm

Hi The.Great.ESCape,

What you can do with the latest 1.16.8 build is replace the source image. If you right click on the Original Image Tab at the top, it will let you switch the source image and allow you to apply the same effects and tweaks to that image. The only restriction is that you can't do this when applying edits to an area of the original image as the same area would not translate to the replacement image.

Alternatively, you can right click each edit in the timeline and merge them all together to create a custom effect. This will take you to the Effect Editor View where you can save the entire set of edits as an effect by selecting Publish. You can either publish the effect to the community gallery to be shared with everyone or just for your own use. It will then be in the Effects Gallery.

We're still looking into your crashing problem that you reported. Is there a specific effect that's onscreen when it crashes or does it occur more randomly? Can you also try going to File> Settings> Color and uncheck the High Performance display? It's unlikely to be the source of the problem, but it's worth seeing if this has any effect.

Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:56 pm

Re: Internal save session as effect...

Postby The.Great.ESCape » Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:06 am

Thank you for the info, and sorry about the typos

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