Combine effect, can I turn a pic 90 degress please?

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Combine effect, can I turn a pic 90 degress please?

Postby SmartPhota » Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:29 pm

I was faced with a decision today where I wanted to shift one of the pictures 90 degrees so they matched orientation. The ability to do that would be a great enhancement when one of your pictures in the COMBINE effect, loads opposite the first one even though you know it is oriented perfectly as you want in the original. I looked at this picture in preview mode and it showed vertically, so I couldn't change it any more (it was taken in Vertical mode); but when I loaded into SMartPE, it loaded horizontally.

Or it could be a twick in the softare program so it can match orientations automatically? I don't know the reason(s) why the vertical picture insisted in loading sideways. You may investigate to know why.

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Re: Combine effect, can I turn a pic 90 degress please?

Postby admin » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:16 am

There's a few ways you can turn a picture 90 degrees:

If you've just loaded it, click on the Rotate 90 degree tool, near the bottom of the tools on the right.

If you are using the composite tool, any picture you load in can be rotated by clicking on: Move, Rotate and Scale, then dragging the rotate circle in your picture. If you hold down shift it is restricted to 15 degree increments.

Does that help?


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