Shadows in text editor

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Shadows in text editor

Postby vr2vrt » Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:53 am

Hi All,

I like to see the feature in the text editor, it was nice if it was possible to make shadows around the text in different colors.
Now I have to make this with a double text in different colors.


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Re: Shadows in text editor

Postby Arwin » Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:53 pm

Hi Theo,

Smart Photo Editor is all about applying effects effects and customize them to your own needs.
If you like to play with text, like a shadow, just select your text with the Select Area tool and choose (for instance) The Subject, after masking the text area, hit confirm and choose your effect, in this case search for Drop shadow.

Andrew and I created both some drop shadow effects (our first joint venture), here you can read all about the shadow effects we created:
Shadow effects by Andrew
Shadow effects by Arwin

In fact you can apply any effect to a selected (masked) text, but here are a few effects that I designed especially with text in mind:
New neon silhouette figures effects and more..
Text effects
Added the Neon Cut Out effects (can be used on text aswell)

Hope this will give you the result you're looking for.

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
Feel free to follow ;)

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