How to get rid of shadows on photos on people

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How to get rid of shadows on photos on people

Postby mwh2385 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:19 pm

How can I get rid of shadows on photo bodies?

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Re: How to get rid of shadows on photos on people

Postby admin » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:25 am

It's pretty tricky to get rid of shadows. If a shadow is on top of a homogenous textured area like grass, you could use the object remover. For all other shadows you'd have to use the Area Treatment tool. Carefully select the shadow, then use the exposure slider to brighten it. If the area is the wrong colour when brightened, you can use the temperature and tint sliders to try and correct the colour. It's pretty tricky and there's no guarantee you'd get a good result.


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