Short list and favorite list improvements

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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:04 am

Short list and favorite list improvements

Postby janerio » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:42 am

I got this editor because of the various effects but the GUI is next to possible to use. PLEASE make a dedicated Favorite Button. Separate the favorite and shortlist panels. Quite often I add effects to the short list or click on the favorite star but the effect never shows up in the Favorite Recent Shortlist panel when opened. There is a disconnect somewhere. The list isn't refreshing. The Short List button doesn't show up all the time. It disappears all the time. The program, when clicking buttons has a very slow response time and I am running a system with 32G of memory. Another useful would be a way to hide effects the you will never ever use. The list is just TOO BIG.

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Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:30 am

Re: Short list and favorite list improvements

Postby Richard Briggs » Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:21 am


I also think that the sheer number of effects has become almost unmanageable. But I have absolutely no idea about what I would like to see to make life easier. Effect creators can apply key words and so on but it is still very hard to peruse or find effects you have used before if you haven't classed them as favourites etc. The good side of this is the sheer number of effects is testament to the product's popularity. I find the search box (for effects) very poor. I would simply like to search using wildcards (such as *Christmas*) to produce every effect that the creator has named or tagged with the word 'Christmas' somewhere in it. I am certain the search box does not do this. At least, no reliably.

But, I would take issue with your view that it should be possible to remove all effects you'll never want to use. Elsewhere in this forum I have commented on effects that I have wondered what planet the creator was on when he/she created them. What possible use could they have? And then 6 months later I find it's just the perfect effect for an 'off the wall' shot I have taken.


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