Use folder as source .....

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Use folder as source .....

Postby Penningtons7 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:32 pm

What I would like is to be able to change the source image in the current effect chain. What would be even more convenient is the ability to scroll through either a folder or build a list of images to scroll through. and be able to tweak the effect or bake it to picture and save then go to next image.

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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby admin » Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:09 pm

Hi Penningtons7,

You might not have found it, but there is a batch mode in the file menu, that allows you to apply your current set of effects to any number of pictures. It doesn't allow you to tweak the pictures on a case by case basis though. Another option is to merge all the effect tabs (right click on the tab at the top and choose merge with), until you just have one effect, then store that effect, so you can quickly apply it to any picture.


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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby Penningtons7 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:40 pm

Those are great features for certain things but when it comes to actual application of effects nothing can beat what the eye sees.... I could easily build a personal effect starting with a black image and then go to custom edit. In there make a simple merge screen effect save for personal use. then add to the chain my desired effect or effects to use on a set of images. Then just go to the merge effect and change out the image in it. Problem is there is no option to save an unbaked image.

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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby Phelon » Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:24 pm

Hi Pennington7,

First, thanks for adding a new word to my photography vocabulary--baked. Maybe the Arizona sun helps with baking. ;-)

Next, I sure do see what you are trying to do, and I believe I, you, and several others want the same thing, or something similar. My past experience shows that "layers" are the way to go. Having layers, each new "confirm" would create a new "layer". Normally, layers are shown in a vertical path, but in SPE the new confirms are shown horizontally. I also have a problem going back to say a "masking confirm" and try to redo or improve. I can't selectively choose a confirm item and adjust it without seemingly screwing up my workflow. By being allowed to turn "on or off" a layer, I can see the effect of that layer on my main background image, and thats a big "tremendous" help in anybody's workflow.

Smart Photo Editor to me is the best new photo editor. I've been saving my "confirms" so I can go in and our of my workflow, and I hoping SPE changes to add layers. I've been doing doing photography for some 65 years, and have used the Mac and PC extensively using many different programs, and I really do think the SPE developers have done a wonderful job of designing, but they are just getting started. I also thank them for their "Community Input"--wonderful idea.

I have had a great joy in creating something with my images here with SPE, but hopefully the layers addition will be coming.

I have already requested that we be able to open an image using "Open With" when right-clicking on an image somewhere on my computer. That would also help speed up our workflow--presently, the right-clicking "Open With" just open the SPE program.

Have a good weekend!!


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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby admin » Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:22 am

Hi everyone,

Am I right in saying that the two main features you are missing with regards to layers, baking etc are:

The ability to turn on and off the tabs at the top.
Being able to change the original image, so the set of changes (aka layers) you've applied to one picture, could be applied to another and tweaked separately.

I also take your point about the open with.


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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby Penningtons7 » Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:05 am

The ability to turn on and off the tabs at the top.
Being able to change the original image, so the set of changes (aka layers) you've applied to one picture, could be applied to another and tweaked separately.

That would be correct from me, and I checked the open with and it does work on your latest update.

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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby admin » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:44 pm

I've implemented switching the original image by right clicking on the original image tab, this will appear in a future update (most likely version 1.16). It's not in the file menu as I see it as an advanced feature that could easily confuse people.


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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby Penningtons7 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:57 pm

Thank you Tony
It is so refreshing to feel like someone is listening and cares. I hope your software grows exponentialy due to you interfacing with users in this way.

Forums are great but have you thought about a user group page on Facebook? my thoughts would be a closed group for the advanced and growing users where they could mentor each other as well as share results. One of the features in Facebook that I wish was in forums is a simple click to like button. This invites quick interaction and would also tell you what the group is most interested in.

Thanks again

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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby admin » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:24 am

Interesting idea. Let me think about it.


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Re: Use folder as source .....

Postby Phelon » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:55 pm

Hi John Penningtons7,

Just saw that your discussion above mentioned you tried the "open with" and had success; you will only have success using "Open With" (a right-click on a picture anywhere on your computer) to open the PROGRAM, SPE; THEN you still have to upload the picture thru SPE's uploading choices. Tony saw the same thing at first, but that's not how "Open With" should work. Try using "Open With" in one of your browsers, i.e. Adobe Bridge, computer browser on Finder, or anywhere you go to see your files. Then right-click, select "Open With", then select a program such as Preview, PS, PSE, LR, DxO, and the selected program will open with the selected picture. And you're set to go. It's been a fast way to get going with your workflow for a long time.



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