The big feature request discussion

Please let us know of absolutely anything you think is missing from Smart Photo Editor.
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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby dogsirl » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:38 pm

A "revert" or "reset" option so I can take my photo back to original with 1 click.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby rvamosi » Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:06 pm

I am not sure what area this request should go in. I am looking for some presets that would give my image a Norman Rockwell look and feel. Would this be something that would be possible with Smart Photo Editor?

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby firegalg » Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:15 pm

What I would really like to see is the ability to use the same mask profile again without having to redo it each time I want to use the mask! PLEASE make this possible!!!!!!!!

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:30 am

To re-use a mask in the gallery, hover over the Effects Gallery button and the popup will allow you to re-use the mask by clicking on the button(s) under where it says Show Gallery For.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby Richard Briggs » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:02 am

I was interested in this as I'd never noticed it before. And I still don't notice it! If I hover over the effects gallery button as suggested I get a pop up but it is purely informational. No buttons to click on.


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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby eadams » Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:12 pm

Richard Briggs wrote:I was interested in this as I'd never noticed it before. And I still don't notice it! If I hover over the effects gallery button as suggested I get a pop up but it is purely informational. No buttons to click on.


You are right, there are no buttons, but you can actually click on the names of the defined areas to re-use the area on a new effect. In the attached screenshot I had defined two areas, one called "stones" and the other called "background" using the "Select Area" tool. When I mouse-over the Effects Gallery icon the names under "Show Gallery For" look like they are merely informational, but they are not. If I click on the word "background" I am shown 534 pages of effect previews that are suited for backgrounds.

This is just one example of user interface improvements that the program needs. Unfortunately, it looks like development work has stopped completely which is a real shame. It is a great program!
SPE screenshot.jpg
SPE screenshot.jpg (13.72 KiB) Viewed 25484 times

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby Richard Briggs » Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:52 pm

Well I never knew that! After all these years.


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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby firegalg » Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:40 pm

OMG!!! Thank you so much for sharing the way to reuse a MASK! It's a life saver!!!!!!! Much thanks... ❤️❤️❤️

Do have one question... I've tried it out but it seems to only be picking up the last thing I did with the mask. Is there a way to make it revert to any gallery option? Or, sometimes it won't even give me an option at the bottom to reuse the mask. Wondering what the flow is so I can get the most out of it. Thanks!

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby eadams » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:10 pm

firegalg wrote:OMG!!! Thank you so much for sharing the way to reuse a MASK! It's a life saver!!!!!!! Much thanks... ❤️❤️❤️

Do have one question... I've tried it out but it seems to only be picking up the last thing I did with the mask. Is there a way to make it revert to any gallery option? Or, sometimes it won't even give me an option at the bottom to reuse the mask. Wondering what the flow is so I can get the most out of it. Thanks!

I don't know why you wouldn't have the option to reuse the mask unless you didn't use either the Area Treatment tool or Select Area tool to "define" an area. If you don't use those tools, but merely use the quick mask brush to mask out some of an effect you apply, you create a mask for that particular layer (effect) only, and the mask is not re-usable. Generally speaking, when you define an area (using either the Area Treatment tool or the Select Area tool), you can reuse the area as explained previously in this thread. You can edit the area at any time by selecting the thumbnail of the area mask in any of the effects it has been used in and using the "Add to Selection" or "Erase from Selection" brush that appears in the panel on the left of the screen. If you do this, you change the definition of the area for all layers it is used in. Is that what you mean by "picking up the last thing" you did with the mask?

If you want to define two different areas, you really have to define them separately. I haven't found a way to base a mask on a previously defined mask and keep both masks. If there is a way, I hope someone will point it out to me.

If this doesn't answer your question, please describe in more detail what you want to do, because I have misunderstood.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby firegalg » Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:27 am

When I usually do the masking I create it within the Effect Gallery using the Ok, Mask Area to create the mask. Sometimes it lets me re-use the mask when I click on the Effects Gallery again. However, it must have its limitations since when I do it that way the Effects Gallery will only apply the last type of overlay I was using (e.g. Subtle Light or something like that if it was the last type of overlay I was in since the is what it says at the bottom of the tab). I do seem to get a wide variety of overlays once I get a couple of pages into it for the most part. I have found that after two or three times using the Effects Gallery without re-using the mask I lose the ability to re-apply the mask again and have to start over but that hasn't been consistent yet.

If I understand you correctly, I should make the mask with the Area Treatment and keep it for use. I'll try that next! Thanks!!! Gina


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