The big feature request discussion

Please let us know of absolutely anything you think is missing from Smart Photo Editor.
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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby SmartPhota » Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:38 pm

All these requests are nice I have contributed my fair amount (two or three) but I suppose we don't want a bloated program at the expense of "features".

The one thing I like the most about this program is that it is not slow, I don't have to wait long for effects to happen and I can see the results immediately . if I don't like them I just hit control-Z and its gone. I have done this for 6 MB pictures with ease and could do that in the future with 8,9 MB to 12MB pictures if the need arises. So, the prospect of a bloated, "heavy" program frightens me.

When a program requires me to keep investing in RAM and waiting time that's the moment to quit. It goes far beyond the amateur photographer to the league of "profe$$ional$$". So I hope you keep that in mind when you request nitty gritty and non-essentials and programmers and executives need to analyze the pros and cons. I would regret to have shared my ideas to see the program go so big is unusable to the small guys and se eit moved to the "pro" category and out of our financial range.

My two cents; I know we want it to do many things, but not too many, please.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby JennyK » Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:22 pm

I would like the "grid browse" or visual browse for my favorite list. I really don't like to have to browse through 200+ pages. The current search feature is very nice, but it would help if I don't have to search or browse through those 200 plus pages every time. It would be great if there is a search/browse option just for my favorite list. Thanks!

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:30 pm

Hi Jenny K,

There is, just click on Favorites in the gallery and you will browse all the effects that you have favorite'd. You can make an effect a favorite, either by checking 'Show Ratings' in the settings dialog then using the gold star to favorite effects or you can move effects from the recently used list into the favorite list by clicking on the arrow button that appears in-between the two lists when you hover of Favorites, Recent, Shortlists.


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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby dcraig1007 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:37 pm

I would love to see a shortcut added for when I wish to close a file. Just as you have Ctrl-O to open a file, and just as you have Ctrl-S to save a file, a similar shortcut to close a file would be great. Ctrl-W works well as the File-->Close command with Photoshop and you might use that if you wish to be consistent, but I fully understand that you might be reluctant to follow the software features of another company. But any similar shortcut would suffice and would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:15 pm

Good Point. Ctrl + W it is, to be compatible with our other product Portrait Professional. :) It will be in the next release we do.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby SmartPhota » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:55 pm


I sometimes find myself making a selection with great care and then when I apply the effect, I would either want to use the same selection again or the inverse, but can't.

Is this possible? If not, this would be a great enhancement.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:47 am

Hi SmartPhota,

Yes, you can do another browse gallery in the same selection, by hovering over the Effects Gallery button and choosing your selection from the list. You can also paste in existing selections or the inverse of them in the select area tool using the "Add xxx" and "Remove xxx" buttons in the Utilities section. Unfortunately you can't currently re-use selections in the other tools like area treatment yet, although we might add that in the future.

Hope that helps.


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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby SmartPhota » Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:52 pm

I will try to execute this.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby bluerose675 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:45 am

I use the eraser tool a lot but is there any way to blend or smudge? Some times the eraser tool is just not enough.
I really, really love this program BTW! I've tried the bigger PS programs and this is so much easier and gives awesome results :D

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:34 am


There's not an actual smudge tool, but if you hover over the blue area, you'll see a little triangle button appear. If you click on it, you'll see some more options for changing how the areas are blended.

Hope that helps.



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