Create a "Add to Favorites" button!

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Create a "Add to Favorites" button!

Postby lucato » Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:39 pm

Dear developers, nowadays it is a pain to add an effect as a favorite one.
Nowadays the actual steps in my knowlede are:
- Effects Gallery;
- Click add to shortlist button;
- Click Favorites Recent Shortlist button;
- Click < to open "Favorite Effects Manager" and from here chose the favorite effects which is terrible because you don't even remember by the name how the effects are!

So, please, add in the "Effects Control" right above the "add to shortlist button" when mousing over an effect a NEW BUTTON called "Add to favorites". So, by clicking on this button, the effect is placed right away into the Favorites effects list.

Besides that, the gray list pop-up that shows when clicking on Favorites Recent Shortlist button, should have an effect thumbnail on the left side of each name or another poor option would be when mousing over the name it would slide down and show the thumbnail of the effect in question. From this new pop-up with thumbnails also would be the managment with checkboxes where you would select/mark which effects want to delete. After selecting the wished ones hit on "Delete selected favorites" button.

Thanks and have a great weekend.

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Re: Create a "Add to Favorites" button!

Postby admin » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:39 am

There is a quicker way of adding favorites: In settings, make sure you have 'show ratings' turned on. Then in the gallery anything you rate with a gold star is added to your favorites.


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Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:14 pm
Location: Brazil

Re: Create a "Add to Favorites" button!

Postby lucato » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:21 pm

Thanks for the tip Tony, I'll check this out.

Anyway, I think this way of clicking in a 5 star rating (Gold star) is a hidden functionality instead of having a visible "Add to favorites" button and besides that, are two different functions, IMHO, I can mark an effect as a Favorite, but it doesn't mean that I think that this effect worths 5 stars. ;0)

Well, just my 2c. ;0)

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