Underlay Effects Gallary

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Underlay Effects Gallary

Postby WatsonJa » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:15 pm

Is there a way to view multiple photos similar to the effects gallery when using the composite underlay feature? Example, I want to replace the sky on my main photo with an underlay but I have several sky samples to pick from. Having an 'effects gallery' that will show my photo with a variety of underlays will help in picking the one that is best suited for the picture. I find the tool when using the 'select area' feature to replace the sky very helpful when choosing the best replacement.

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Re: Underlay Effects Gallary

Postby eadams » Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:14 pm

There is a way to compare how your image would look with a number of selected effects before you apply any one of the effects. It is called shortlisting effects for this exact purpose.

If you find an effect in the gallery (e.g. a sky) that you like, click on it to view it in full size. In the panel on the left there is a button labeled "Add to shortlist". Click on the button to save this effect to a temporary shortlist of effects. Without actually applying the shortlisted effect to your image, return to the Gallery grid view and continue to browse through other effects. Whenever you find one you might want to use, repeat the previous step and add the effect to your shortlist.

Whenever you add an effect to your shortlist, a button labeled "Show shortlist" will appear in the left hand panel. When you click on it, you will see your shortlisted effects. You can click on the button labeled "Grid view" to view your image with each of the effects applied in a grid. When you decide which one you want to apply, just apply it in the normal fashion.

Once you finally apply one of the shortlisted effects to your image, the temporary shortlist is deleted. If you want to permanently remember all the effects you had temporarily shortlisted, you need to either add them to your favorites or write down the names.

I hope this helps.

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