Upload a Logo and save to Favourites

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Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:17 pm

Upload a Logo and save to Favourites

Postby Art-e-miss » Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:50 pm

I would love to see a feature that makes it easy to upload your personal logo and save it to favourites. I have spent the whole evening trying various ways to do this without success. There are no youtube videos or content in the world web that shows you how to do it or if it can be done. I would really appreciate an easy process for this. TIA.

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Re: Upload a Logo and save to Favourites

Postby admin » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:29 am

They way to do this would be to create an effect that adds your logo. To do this go into composite mode and add your logo as a new overlay. Then use the Move Rotate and Scale button to move it into place. Finally right click on the Composite tab in the top right and choose "Save Preset or Publish", follow the steps on the left and you'll have an affect that is the composite of your logo.

Kind regards


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