going back and softening edges on mask

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going back and softening edges on mask

Postby Phelon » Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:41 pm


I'm loving the new upgrade to 1.16!!! I was so happy to see that I could drag and drop from Adobe Bridge onto the open SPE; I didn't try yet to drop a picture onto the SPE icon on my Mac dock. Anyway I went on to mask a subject (a flower), and that went really well. Then after confirming, I loved the different backgrounds--it was like being in heaven! After selecting a background, I looked at my flower I had masked and thought it should have the edges SOFTENED.

Here's my reason for writing, besides saying how much fun I'm having: please show me how to go back and select the mask of the flower and then how to brush and soften the flower's (subject) edges. I haven't tried anything yet, but I'm thinking this is going to work in this new version.


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Re: going back and softening edges on mask

Postby admin » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:26 pm

Hi Phelon,

To edit and existing selection, just click where you see the selection in the tabs at the top.

To make soft selections that do not stop at edges, try the Airbrush tool in conjunction with the opacity slider.

There's more general information about selecting areas here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=809&p=2359#p2359

Let me know if you want any more information and thanks for the kind words!


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