Fonts and Tutorials

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Fonts and Tutorials

Postby SmartPhota » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:01 pm

Two things:

1) after using it for over a hour. I loved the tutorials that appear at the beginning, but once I finished one, i did not find my way back to try the others. I had to close and restart. I am possibly not seeing some obvious link to go back, but you may prove me wrong.

2) I played with TEXt and it is very good to place a watermark. Why not set several saved TEXTS , so one could use them to different forums we post photographs to? I also find a little troublesome to have to find the font every time I am going to write text. If I find one font I like, I would love to use it consistently. My solution would be to have the last font used already selected so we don't have to fish for it every time.

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Re: Fonts and Tutorials

Postby admin » Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:46 am


1) To go back to the tutorials you just have to go to File > Close. I'll tweak the tutorials to make this more obvious.

2) In order to save any change you make to a picture, you can save it as a preset. For more information see: Favorites and Presets.


Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:03 pm

Re: Fonts and Tutorials

Postby SmartPhota » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:01 pm

This helps. I was trying to find out how to save some treatments I liked. There is a mention on the pop-ups of a star for favorites that I couldn't find. Just the starred "favorites" but I couldn't make anything saved there. thanks!

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