laptop doesn't show "apply" or "confirm" buttons

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laptop doesn't show "apply" or "confirm" buttons

Postby jstokermac » Sun May 06, 2012 6:22 pm

Please provide explicit instructions on how to find the apply or confirm buttons on my 14" laptop - very frustrating. I will give you a few days and then I will cancel the credit card charge.

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Re: laptop doesn't show "apply" or "confirm" buttons

Postby admin » Tue May 08, 2012 9:25 am

Hi jstokermac,

For all operations except for the gallery, there are no apply or confirm buttons. The tools can be used at any time and you can save at any time so there is no need to confirm before going on to the next stage. A couple of tools (crop and straighten) allow you to toggle between the before state and the after state by pressing "Cropped View" and "Uncropped View". We have found other people that have found this confusing, so we will be changing the way this works in a future version.

I hope that helps for now,


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