Border Bug? - Vintage Painting Frame Issue?

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Border Bug? - Vintage Painting Frame Issue?

Postby PixelProShop » Thu May 05, 2011 6:45 pm

When using Borders - Vintage Frame by Vivienne Li. Upon sliding the Master Fade slider it causes the frame to zoom into about 1/4 of the photo and frame. It locks it in that position.

Using a Windows machine running Vista... Thanks

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Re: Border Bug? - Vintage Painting Frame Issue?

Postby admin » Mon May 09, 2011 3:50 pm

You are right, that is a bug. It's not obvious what fading in a border should actually do, if the border gets faded out, what colour is behind it (given that the area the border covers is outside the original image). Perhaps there shouldn't be a fade command for borders at all.

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