Using Sharp Tool in Area Treatment

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Using Sharp Tool in Area Treatment

Postby Phelon » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:27 pm

I have found that if I treat an area with Brightness control, and try to make a new area for Sharpening that includes the first area treated with Brightening, that particular area becomes even brighter---so I have to be careful. I sometimes just erase the Sharpening area where I first used brightening brush control.

Logically, it seems like something to do with the stacking of layers in the program, even though I know theoretically layers are not used here.

I wonder if the same reasoning has to do with the Object Removal tool when trying to save--see my other BUG discussion on this.


PS I like the Sharp Tool in Area Treatment better than the Image Treatment's Clarity sharpening tool.

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Re: Using Sharp Tool in Area Treatment

Postby darrenp » Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:05 pm

Hi Phelon,

Thanks for pointing this out. I'll make a note of it and we'll see if we can do something about it to simplify the workflow.


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