galleries update

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galleries update

Postby justicecsa1 » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:10 am

Just updated a the user effects gallery and Norton detected a virus " Bloodhound3 " risk high, luckily it was quarantined.
How safe is the update galleries feature , as this as me worried now,

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Re: galleries update

Postby admin » Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:15 am

The update galleries feature doesn't download any executable code, it's just effects within smart photo editor, so I can't see how there would be any virus. As I understand it, virus checkers just look for a sequence of bytes that are part of a virus, it's possible that co-incidentally a sequence of bytes in a virus happened to match, say a sequence of bytes in an effect, but as the effects aren't run as executable code, it's not the same as actually having the virus.


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Re: galleries update

Postby justicecsa1 » Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:39 pm

Cheers tony
Did some investigating and the virus is hidden in a image file , it was downloaded at the same time I was using Smart photo editor . So might have been a coincidence . No arm was done , as my anti virus quarantined it.

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