Link sent to me by Anthropics.

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Link sent to me by Anthropics.

Postby CIMspec » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:12 pm

This morning I was sent a link by someone I know works by Anthropics. I could not open the link that was supposed to be sent to me but when I clicked on "Download" a series of programs were downloaded to my computer that controlled my internet access and attached many icons on my desktop.

The programs were acting like Trojans to the point that I had to hire someone to go in my computer, search and delete them.

With all the problems that I have faced with both Portrait Professional, Smart Photo Editor and now this link, I am beginning to feel that Anthropics is behaving exactly like a virus.

Will I buy another Anthropics product? Not! Even if it is free and with a gun held at my head.

Will I warn everyone about Anthropics and strongly voice not buying it? All the time, everywhere.

Do not buy Anthropics.

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