"Not responding" when saving

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"Not responding" when saving

Postby Enoteca » Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:17 pm

Almost always, it says "Not responding" when I'm saving a large JPEG file - although after a couple of minutes the image is saved and everything is back to normal.

This needs to be fixed!

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Re: "Not responding" when saving

Postby Arwin » Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:51 pm

Hi Enoteca,

As a enthusiastic user of SPE I know of the 'Not responding' issue. I can tell you, out of my own experiance, it will happen most of the time when using, so called 'heavy effects' like the 'High iso denoise/sharpen by tom' for example.
I would suggest, give SPE just some more time to work on you photo, it needs that time to render the effects you've choosen. At my side, SPE has never stayed in the 'Not Responding' status so far.

Hope you will see it's indeed that bit more time SPE has needed.
Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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