On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

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On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

Postby paddytully12 » Tue May 08, 2012 3:22 am

I am new to SPE. I have just edited my first photo and saved it to my Laptop. When I open the file from my Laptop in Windows or Picasa the picture is distorted badly and does not represent the edit I laboured over for some time.Infact it looks nothing like the edit I completed and saved as a Jpeg in SPE. Is it normal for the edit not to translate to windows or Picasa? It looks as if the gamma is all squewed. Is there a fix? Do I have to save a smaller version, as a tiff, Jpg? Any guidance suggestions welcome. I must say this is not a good start. :cry: My first go and it failed me? Or am I being a bit stupid? :?:

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Re: On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

Postby admin » Tue May 08, 2012 9:50 am

Hi Paddytully12,

Most likely is that you are not being a bit stupid, but you have found a bug with a particular type of color profile. :) Luckily this sort of bug is easy to fix. I am going to email you with how to proceed (so check in your spam filter if you can't see a reply).


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Re: On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

Postby shoreimages » Fri May 18, 2012 9:25 pm

My name is Bob and I am also new to SPE and had a problem with the saved jpeg did not look the same as the image in SPE. It was darker and did not have the same tonality. I had to import jpeg into Photo Shop to make corrections in order to get a good print. Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Re: On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

Postby Thea Davies » Mon May 21, 2012 9:14 am

Hi Bob,

I am sorry you are having this problem, I will send you a private message with some instructions to resolve this problem.

Warm regards,

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Re: On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

Postby misty_fawn » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:16 am

I am also having this very same problem. When I save an edited image, the saved file looks darker. I have upgraded the program, and it still didn't fix the problem. Please help!


Re: On Saving to my PC the photo does not look like the edit

Postby ArjunAnthroQA » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:45 am

Hi misty fawn,

Can you open a support ticket here: http://www.smartphotoeditor.com/support/index.php?page=login&return=ticket_submit and one of our expert support team will take a look into the problem as soon as possible.



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