downloading albums

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downloading albums

Postby tammy2day » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:11 pm

This is new software for me.I need to know how to download complete albums,I'm only able to do one photo at a time,please help.


Re: downloading albums

Postby ArjunAnthroQA » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:10 am

Hi tammy2day,

Do you want to apply the same set of effects/edits to a batch of pictures? You can do this by using Batch Apply Effect.

1. Open one of the images in Smart Photo Editor and apply the effects/changes you want. (Please note Using area selections will prevent you from using Batch Apply)
2. Go to File> Batch Apply Effect (or SmartPhotoEditor> Batch Apply Effect on Mac)
3. Select the Files you want to apply the same effects to and confirm

Smart Photo Editor will then apply the same effects to the selected images and save them in the same directory with an added _pe at the end of the name.

Please let me know if that's what you were looking for or if I entirely misunderstood your query.


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Joined: Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:37 am

Re: downloading albums

Postby Minotaurus007 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:38 am

Hi Arjun,

unfortunately you cannot apply "effects" to an image with the batch command. You can only apply one (1) [single or combined] effect to an image. E.g.

Image 1 -> Effect 1 => Image1-Effect1.jpg

However, if you want Image1-Effect2.jpg you have to do it manually. Not very time saving when you like some 30 to 50 effects of your shortlist for an image.

Implementation could be so easy:
for( int i=0; i < Shortlist->Count; i++ ) {
SaveToFile( Filename+ "-" + Shortlist[i]->Effectname);

Meanwhile we have to stick to other software to do this kind of batchprocessing (e.g. Perfect Photo Suite). :-(

Just one line of code, comeon, please, Tony, Arjun make this dream come true... :-) please!

Not only batch images with the same effect!
But also batch effects for the same image to get versions in no time!


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