Saving DPI resolution when using raw files

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Saving DPI resolution when using raw files

Postby theok123 » Fri May 24, 2013 7:28 am

I open all files in Photo Editor as raw or dng files and then save it as jpeg's. It saves all files at 72 dpi whereas I would like it to save in 300 dpi - How do I fix this?


Re: Saving DPI resolution when using raw files

Postby ArjunAnthroQA » Fri May 24, 2013 4:12 pm

Hello theok123,

I'm currently taking a look at the issue and am investigating the cause of the issue. It appears that certain files when saved out to certain formats do change the DPI settings. Can you please confirm the original dpi settings of the DNG you were editing. Would it be possible to get one of your original dng files for testing purposes? If that's possible, can you please send it to and mark it for the attention of Arjun. I'll then take action and hopefully set in motion a resolution for the issue.

To correct the dpi of your resulting image, you can manually edit the DPI settings of the resulting file using Photoshop or a free tool such as IrfanView.

To change the DPI settings of your resulting JPEG, open it in IrfanView and then Go to Image> Information. Here you'll see that you can edit the DPI of the image to your preferred settings. Then simply save out the image and it will have your chosen DPI settings. We understand this isn't ideal, but we hope it would help you use the images you've already created as you would like and would work around the issue until we can provide a fix.

Warm Regards,


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Re: Saving DPI resolution when using raw files

Postby lorricn » Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:46 pm

I bought Smart Photo Editor a couple of months ago. I'm editing 300 DPI files, and save them at maximum quality, but when I open them in Photoshop for further editing, it's always 72 dpi - no bueno! Tested it to see if it was just misiformation in the saved file by creating a new file of the same wxh @ 300 DPI - did a select all on the saved image, copied and pasted in the newly created image - and it was tiny. I don't see a way to change the output settings to 300 DPI - changing to 300 DPI in Photoshop pixelates the image and that won't work. I see this original post is from a couple of years ago - can't find anything in the help portion of the software related to DPI at all...please help?

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Re: Saving DPI resolution when using raw files

Postby admin » Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:19 pm

Dpi is just a single number stored in the exif. It's just a hint of how large to print and doesn't affect image quality. You should be able to Change the dpi in Photoshop without affecting he pixel resolution, by making sure it changes the physical size not the number of pixels.


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