Flipping only part of an image

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Flipping only part of an image

Postby Mx4 » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:07 am

Hey! Is there any way to flip part of an image using SPE? I am working on removing hair from a child's face. I want to use the other ( non-hair covered) eye , flip it and use it on the other side. Is this possible? My feeble attempts have not been successful .

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Re: Flipping only part of an image

Postby Arwin » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:16 pm

There is an effect Mirror by Tony, that will flip your image to the otherside, if you save this result you can use it in the compostite tool.

First mirror your original with the Mirror by Tony effect and save this as a new image.
Open the original image and go to the Composite tool (at the right side of your screen at the Tools section)
At the left side of your screen click by Overlays on the button New and load your mirrored image.
Above this section you will find the Select Area and Move, Rotate and Scale feature of the Composite tool, choose for Select Area.
Choose for Erase From Selection to remove the part of the mirrored image you don't wanna use. (I would use the Airbrush of the brushes with no hardness and a large size for the brush, but that's up to you how you like to make your mask)
With the Move, Rotate and Scale feature of the Composite tool you can drag (rotate or scale) the visual part of your mirrored image to the exact location you like.
Switching between Select Area and the Move, Rotate and Scale feature you can fine-tune your composition.

Inspired by your question I'm working on an effect that will do this kind of work for you, but I think the best result will be achieved by using the method above, because an effect will always be in 'general'.

Hope I did give you some inspiration in return ;)

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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Re: Flipping only part of an image

Postby Arwin » Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:28 pm

Managed to work the initial idea of the effect out to a full working effect, I just uploaded the effect!

I've created a video tutorial as well, need one more hour to be active, the effect will hopefully active by tomorrow.
I will post a new topic about it as soon the video is live!


Edit: Here is the new topic :)
Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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