Plugin compatibility PE 12? PaintShop Pro?

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Plugin compatibility PE 12? PaintShop Pro?

Postby Rick75230 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:43 am

The STUDIO version is compatible with PaintShop Pro X8, using the Photoshop Elements 12 plugin. The Standard version doesn't have the plugins.

If the user doesn't have PE Elements, they may need to temporarily create a folder at C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 12\Plug-Ins to trick the PluginInstaller into thinking PE 12 is installed. Then copy the PE 12 plug-in to the PSP plugins folder.

I haven't tried other PSP versions or other PS/PE versions, but they should work (e.g., if you have PE 13 and PSP X7).

When you run the installer it gives options for any PE versions it thinks are on the PC even if that version isn't there. It also has a checkbox for "browse for any additional compatible program." I originally tried telling the plugin installer to install in both PE 12 and the PSP plugins folder as an "additional compatible program" and it didn't install for PSP.

The plugin will not work in PSP until the standalone SPE program is activated. When you select it in PSP an error dialog will pop up saying it caused an access violation error.

When I loaded a JPG file and clicked on the SPE filter, SPE imported it as a TIFF.

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Re: Plugin compatibility PE 12? PaintShop Pro?

Postby Rick75230 » Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:45 am

SmartPhotoEditor under PSP X8-600px.png
SmartPhotoEditor under PSP X8-600px.png (221.27 KiB) Viewed 7351 times
I've contacted Anthropics about how to make installation under PSP easy. All they have to do is when they send the license info include a link to the plugin file: PSFilterSPELauncher.8bf. I copied the one for PE 12 and it works fine.

Better quality of the above image: ... =3&theater

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Re: Plugin compatibility PE 12? PaintShop Pro?

Postby Rick75230 » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:28 am

I found out you don't have to "trick" the installer. If you do have Photoshop Elements, you can just install there and then copy the plugin.

If you don't have any Adobe product, create a folder, e.g., C:\temp\ and when you run the PhotoshopPluginInstaller select "Other compatible program". It will ask where to install the plugin. Point it that folder and it will put the plugin there. Then just move it to PSP's plugin folder.

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Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:32 am

Re: Plugin compatibility PE 12? PaintShop Pro?

Postby Rick75230 » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:33 am

If the image you are using has layers, when you activate the plugin SPE imports the active layer only, as a TIFF. Remember that the active layer might not be the visible layer. If you Save and Exit SPE it overwrites the PSP layer. So it's best to duplicate the active layer before activating the SPE plugin.

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